Common Inquries

Frequently Asked Questions


When can I start my prenatal session

Prenatal session normally starts from the 12th week of pregnancy onwards. At this stage you will probably feel muscles tensions and aches due to the change of your body center of gravity as your baby grows. At this point the massage will focus on reducing the aches and pain. After the 24th weeks onwards the focus is on preparing the Mother and baby for childbirth.

When should I book for my pre natal sessions

The earlier the better but at least give us 3 days notice or more. Last minute bookings is subjected to our Therapists availability.

Post Natal

When should I book for my Post natal package

Most clients booked between 3-6 months before their EDD to reserve a slot. You can do your booking once you know when is your EDD.

When can I start my Post natal session after delivery

For normal delivery 3- 7 days after. For C – Sect 3-4 weeks after the surgery. You have to wait until your womb/ surgery heals. The healing time varies from person to person

Should I start my Post natal massage immediately after birth

It is not advisable to do so as your womb is still swollen(bengkak). It may cause injury, more pain and longer healing time

Once I start my Post natal sessions must it be done consecutively

No, it does not have to be consecutively. Neither should you prolong the sessions for too long. Our guidelines for completion is as follows

Package Time of completion
3 days 7 days
5 days 10 days
7days 14 days10 days 21 days

What is the best time of the day to do my post massage

There is no best time of the day to the massage. It is important to have an uninterrupted period of 1.5 hours. This is time out for you to focus on your healing process. During the first few days after delivery try to get a routine with your baby especially feeding and sleeping time. For more details please read our Tips for Clients

What type of herbs do you used for your massage

We used only traditional/ natural herbs. However you may have sensitive skins. If rashes or other reactions appear please inform your therapist. We may find substitute materials or may not use that herb/oil

What type of belly wrap do you use? Do I have to pay for the belly wrap.

We provide on a complimentary basis the use of the traditional long cloth belly wrap. However if you choose to opt for other types of belly wrap you may have to purchase it yourself.

What is Gurita?

Gurita is a soft cotton cloth that we put around your abdomen before using the belly wrap. This is to prevent itchiness . Thus allowing you to use your belly wrap for longer periods.

What is the purpose of using belly wrap

Belly wrap helps to heal, firm up and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Together with proper diet it also helps to reduce excess water and fat around the abdomen ( together withbthe use of tarpel)

How long should I use the belly wrap and what is the duration per day.

You should try and use the belly wrap for 6-8 hours per day. As for the number of days it depends on each individual. It may varies between 10 to 30 days

What is Tarpel, Param and Pilid

The 3 items has been used for centuries in this region to treat women after childbirth. It is a combination of materials/ herb for different purposes.

Tarpel – is applied around the abdomen before using the belly wrap. It’s benefits include reducing stretch mark and improving skin texture, expelling ‘wind’, burning fat around and tightening/ strengthening of the abdominal muscles

Param – is applied throughout the body except in the breast and abdomen area. It’s benefits include improving blood circulation, reduce swelling, prevent entry of ‘wind’ and improving skin texture

Pilid – is applied on the forehead. It’s benefits include preventing and reducing headaches and blurred vision which often affect women after childbirth

Should I use the powder or cream type of tarpel, param or pilis

Both are equally effective and used the same ingredients. The disadvantage of the modern powder form is that it tends to leave a mark on your skin, in particular the forehead. It is also quite messy when it dries up.

The cream form is equally effective . It does not ave any marks on your skin and your can use it more than once a day especially for the pilis

Can I ask the Therapist to explain to me the benefits of each treatment in the package

Can I ask the Therapist to explain to me the benefits of each treatment in the package

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Tips For Customers

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You may also refer to Tips for Clients in our website or

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Start your motherhood journey with us and let us help you massage the pain and discomfort away.

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